Tuesday, November 6, 2007

BSG: Razor

"In the crucible of war, A soldier must let hesitation and doubts burn away, until all that remains is the honed edge of a living human weapon — what Colonial veterans call "a razor." But an edge so fine cuts in more than one direction. It can cleave an enemy to pieces … or it can carve away a person's soul." - scifi.com

The special two-hour episode "Razor", kicks off somewhere between seasons 2 and 3. It focuses on Lee Adama's first mission as the commander of the battlestar Peagasus, with flash backs on how Admiral Helena Cain and the crew of the Peagasus carried out many brutalities to stay alive. The episode has a dark brooding feel to it as it themes on the casualties of war and sacrifices made for the greater good.

There are cameos from the Cylons of the original BSG (which is cheesy goodness) as well as details on the creation of the original Cylon-Human hybrid. It also delves into why there is a tortured number 6 ("Caprica") in the brig. There are plenty of dog fights and emotive moments and Starbuck also makes a comeback so it is all good! :)

Oh yes.... and there is a prophecy thrown in for good measure as well! Woohoo!

All in all, a worthwhile watch for any BSG fan! :)


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