Saturday, December 22, 2007

Battlestar: The Final Season

The actors and writers talk about the final season of the excellent Battlestar Galactica.


Unknown said...

I personally prefer the cylons, to me they are the good guys! Think about it:
The Cylons want order, high technology, strict laws, conformity, timeliness, unwavering loyalty, ....

The Battlestar people are a bunch of wildeyed idealist looking for a paradise that they will never find while upseting the order of the empire!

sanj said...

If by "the good guys" you mean "robots" then yes, I agree.

I think they are all Cylons, a la the Matrix. How do humans have Cylon guides and vice versa? Also how do Cylons prophecise the future? Maybe they are all pawns in Cylon Chess game.